date |
authors |
title |
2016-08 |
Berman, Mostern, Southall |
Placing Names, Enriching and Extending Gazetteers IUP, Spatial Humanities Series, Aug 2016 |
2015-10 |
Feriel and Kheriddine |
Automatic Extraction of Spatio-Temporal Information from Arabic Text Documents IJCSIT, v7 n5, Oct 2015 |
2015-07 |
Oak Ridge Natl Lab |
World Spatio Temporal Analytics and Mapping (WSTAMP) Jul 2015 |
2015-03 |
Grover |
GeoParsing Historical Documents (PDF slides) Mar 2015 |
2014-03 |
Rein van't Veer |
Geotemporal semantic infrastructure for Dutch cultural historical data Presented at Linking Geospatial Data London, March 2014 |
2013-09 |
GeoHumanities Special Interest Group |
WEBSITE GH SIG was formed subsequent to DH 2013 Meeting Lincoln, NE |
2013-01 |
Hoffart, Suchanek, Berberich, Weikum |
YAGO2: spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia (pdf) |
2012-09 |
Leetaru |
Fulltext Geocoding Versus Spatial Metadata for Large Text Archives: Wikipedia (pdf) |
2011-11 |
Southall, Mostern, Berman |
On historical gazetteers (pdf) |
2011-03 |
Keith Murray |
Everything happens somewhere: INSPIRE, UKLP & Linked Data (pdf) |
2011-02 |
Barker, Isaksen |
Pelagios - Workshop on Linked Open geoData (html) |
2011-12 |
Krzysztof Janowicz |
The role of space and time for knowledge organization on the Semantic Web (pdf) |
2010-06 |
Aeur, Fees, Zipf |,
ein Webportal zu historischen und archaeologischen Staetten und
Sehenswuerdigkeiten auf Basis der nutzergenierten Daten von
OpenStreetMap (pdf) |
2010-06 |
Popescu, Grefenstette |
Spatiotemporal Mapping of Wikipedia Concepts (pdf) |
2010-06 |
Sean Gillies |
Modeling historical places for Pleiades (html) |
2009-11 |
Kessler, Janowicz, Bishr |
An Agenda for the Next Generation Gazetteer:
Geographic Information Contribution and Retrieval (pdf) |
2009-10 |
Auer, Lehmann, Hellmann |
LinkedGeoData, Adding a spatial Dimension to the Web of Data (pdf) |
2009-09 |
INSPIRE Working Group |
INSPIRE Data Specification on Geographical Names (pdf) |
2009-03 |
Manguinhas, Martins, Borbinha, Siabato |
The DIGMAP Geo-Temporal Web Gazetteer Service (pdf) |
2008-04 |
Aucott, et all |
QVIZ Administrative Unit Ontology Report and Schema (pdf) |
2008 |
Goodchild & Hill |
Introduction to digital gazetteer reseearch. IJGIS v22 n10 (pdf) |
2006-12 |
Janee |
Rethinking gazetteers and interoperability (notes from DGRP) (html) |
2006-12 |
NGA Workshop |
Digital Gazetteer Research And Practice (DGRP) (html) |
2004-02 |
Hill, Janee |
Guide to the ADL Gazetteer Content Standard (v 3.2)
(html) |