CHGIS Search Engine
The original CHGIS search engine (2002) and XML web-service (2006) have been migrated into a generic Temporal Gazetteer API (2014).

Chinese Feature Types Crosswalk
Research on mapping geographic feature types from Chinese to Japanese, Mongolian, and Uighur are searchable with the xwalk tool (2003).

East Asian Maps Index
A searchable index of Chinese, Japanese and Korean historical Map Series held in Harvard Map Collection (2001).

Historical Atlas of China
A search engine for the index found in the 8 volume Historical Atlas of China, also known as the Tan Atlas.

Japan Edo & Meiji Search Engine
A searchable index of historical Japanese Place Names (2004).

Time Periods
A searchable index of Chinese Reign Periods (2002). For more complete calendar indices see: Dharma Drum Buddhist College Time Authority Databases for China, Japan, and Korea.